
Fertility – First Person

By August 22, 2019 No Comments

By AFEA member Elouise Newman

1 in 8 couples experience fertility issues and I am one of those. Infertility is often a silent struggle and I have experienced a rollercoaster of emotions that have included excitement, hope, fear, anxiety, isolation and a loss of control. Throughout my life I could control how hard I would need to study to achieve exam results, what to eat and when to exercise, where to go on holiday, career choices and when to apply for promotion. Conceiving however is something that isn’t entirely in my control and to get the desired result I want.

Difficult roads often lead to beautiful destinations and I’ve learnt in this journey to have a baby that the best destination is to start with me. The best investment is always with us. It’s ALWAYS worth it.

I discovered Five-Element acupuncture as a patient and this holistic approach helps my overall well-being. The treatment is based on me as an individual and helps me feel at home in my own skin and gives me tools for life in order to implement any necessary changes and to live life as fully and as consciously as possible.

Finding Five-Element acupuncture and subsequently becoming a practitioner has had a powerful impact on my own overall health and wellbeing. I love making a difference to other people’s lives and to be able to share my personal experiences with them when appropriate and helpful. My goal is to help others feel the benefits that this system of medicine has brought to my life and help to improve the balance of mental, physical and emotional health for others. 

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Gerad Kite

Gerad Kite

Gerad Kite is an Acupuncture Master (Ac.M) with 30 years clinical experience. He is a recognized leader in the field of infertility, an author of two (health related) books and is an internationally respected practitioner and teacher of Five-Element Acupuncture. In 1993 he started the first ever NHS acupuncture service in the UK based at Kings College Hospital (London) predominantly working with patients with AIDS and terminal illnesses. He also ran a successful private practice on London’s Harley Street where he gained his reputation as the “Daddy of all Fertility Experts”. In 2006 he opened Kite Clinic where he led a team of 12 practitioners performing over 10,000 treatments a year and in 2007 he founded the London Institute of Five-Element Acupuncture (LIFEA) where he personally trains his current team of practitioners and new apprentices. 2011 saw the opening of his Wimpole Street practice where he currently practices and teaches. In 2016 his first two books (‘Everything You Need You Have’ and ‘The Art of Baby-Making’ were published by Short Books and his third is to be published in 2020.

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